Friday, June 15, 2007

Bees Knees and sore feet

I am back from the Doctors visit. It seems the I have Osteoarthritis in both knees. The advice (What else). Loose weight. That is probably not going to happen. Take ibuprofen, 3 times a day. See if I can get some decent shoes that will give me better support etc. Ray has cellulitus in his foot again. This is the third time he has had it. It is a serious infection of the skin, which can come from a bang on the leg etc. I hope we can get it tamed. I guess I am going to have to start examining him every night, because he never complains about pain, that is if he even pays attention to his body at all. Many a time I have noticed something was wrong, usually after he has been ill for days, if not weeks. I have often got him medical help just under the wire. I don't understand that about him Why?


SageHen said...

I have funky knees too. Probably from sitting on them all those years, just like Mom warned me. I hate it when she's right.

Anonymous said...

Oh pooh! sitting on them didn't do it sagehen, I didn't sit on my knees, and I have bad knees too. I advise you dear big sis to get a pair of Crocs and wear them every day. I don't know if all of them work, but I do know that the brand called Crocs saved my legs this year. I usually start getting pain in my heels about January, but this year I never did get it! Gordon wears them to keep his tootsies cushioned and it really helps! I can sympathize with husbands who let themselves get almost terminal before they mention anything. G is like that too, he actively hides his symptoms from me. If he ever complains about a hurt I rush him to the emergency room.

Anonymous said...

What is crocs? I too have problems, only it is called hammer toes. If I walk on uneven ground or get on my knees to mask off baseboards they swell up and hurt for two days.

Men will not complain about pains for it is a sign of weakness.