Saturday, October 16, 2010

spuds and celery

HELLO! Well fall is here again. It is my favorite time of the year. Unfortunately winter is my least favorite time of the year. Last week was homecoming, and apparently everyone wanted potatoes. 1200# worth. All but 100# were wedged red potatoes. On each of three days I had to wedge (cut with a machine) 10 buckets worth. This is a pain in the you know where. The hardest part finding the buckets and the lids to fit the buckets. We recycle plastic buckets & lids from bulk things like 30# butter buckets or cherry pie filling etc. The buckets come from different companies, thus each bucket has a different lid. They are not necessarily interchangeable. This turns out to be a really fun game of match up. It is a back killer also. lifting 50# boxes so not fun! This week it was celery sticks to cut, cases and cases of them. It has to be the most tedious job in the whole place. I have no idea how much a case weighs, but it has to be at least the same as potatoes, and the boxes are a lot bigger, thus more awkward to move. Besides that the area where we cut them is in the coldest part of the room. It is right in front of the refrigerator compressor (that is I am facing a table and the compressor is blowing on my neck the whole time)! i have also had many cases of green onions to trim. and then slice in the machine. It is a good thing that onions do not bother me! I do not cry. Get me out of there.


Alf's boy said...

Good to hear from you! Sorry your job is so physical. I've heard that a change is as good as a rest but I suppose that a rest is better than change.

wyo sis said...

I've gotten lazy about looking at you blog and it looks like I've missed some posts. There must be a special hell for people who make workers work in such conditions. Are you going to be able to retire in January?