Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Im Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Well I don't know if I will write more often or not, but I,ll try.I never have been much of a journal keeper, It takes me so long to write it vs how long I think it. { I think much faster} This week of not working was a bummer. I get worn out when I work but I don,t do hardly anything when I am home for awhile. I am still trying to put away all of the stuff I got for Christmas last Year. I bought us a CD a DVD player but it is still sitting in the box. My VTs husband came to help me set it up and it needed a coaxil, he supposedaly got one for me but I have yet to have him install it. He is home when I am not and vice versa. She keeps telling me they will come over sometime and set it up. I can call them anytime I am home, but I don't get home until 9:30 P.M. which is not a time they would want to come over at.
At least for me it would not be!.I went to Ottos for Thanksgiving. The food was good but the company wasn't too good. They had two of their children there with there mulitude of children. The one family sat and watched video tapes of peoples weddings. Their Mother does them as a business. All the children tere still live at home, but one so they brought them to show her. BORRING! The music she had used as background music was awful. It was rock music for crying out loud. They kept playing it over and over again. Enough already. Every time I tried to enter a conversation they changed the subject. Jerry and Anna were there also. so I tried starting a conversation with Jerry. That was a mistake. He apparently wasn't in the mood in fact he was down right cranky. I picked up my keys and went out to the car. Where was DH you ask. setting with his face in a book reading, of course. Anyway I eventually got some pie and then we went home. I felt like a fish out of water. I really was longing for some people that were normal ie Sorensons. People that didn't put on airs or shut people out. People who are regular down to earth people who don't have to be better than others and play stupid videos over and over again. We talk to each other.I was lonesome for home. I haven't heard from lil Bro about Hol I hope she is doing better. We are supposed to get a nasty snowstorm tonight and tomarrow(Tues) anticapating driving in that slop always gives me the willies. I am scared to drive all winter. I HATE IT! At least I don't have to be at work until noon. But that means I have to drive home at 9:00 P. M. instead! Yikes!


SageHen said...

The Sorensons are normal? Boy, are you confused.

Anonymous said...

Hol has a drain in her neck right now and will go back down to SLC Dec 7 to see just what is going on. I suppose that it's not a good sign when the specialist is stumped. Anyway that's what we know.