Sunday, October 26, 2008

Still not in

I am still not in the new house. I did manage to get the keys. Last week one of my Realtors helpers finally crawled into the garage and got the keys out of it. When we got in the house I still needed to flip on the circuit breaker in order to get the electricity reset. It didn't work that day. I tried again last Monday and surprise, surprise it worked. I did the same thing to the breaker as I did on the Friday before. It worked that time. I have a suspicion that the electric company came over to the house before I got there and did what they should have done the first time, but didn't. I am still waiting for the fence people to put up the fence that I need before I can move in. I am supposed to meet with a painter on Thurs to get an estimate on what he will charge and when he can do it. I still haven't been able to decide what colors I want in the bedroom and the living room. still cannot get into the garage with the automatic door opener. I have tried and tried to get it to work. Finally Jay told me that it needed a new battery. Now all I have to do is find where the battery goes and replace it. Don't forget the screwdriver! It has been such a pain to get into the new house and all settled in, that I am not going to be to kean on moving for awhile. Dave I do want yo go to the Valley for thanksgiving. It will depend on weather I can get a place to board the dog and someone to board the cat or come in and check on her. Plan on me going unless I let you know. It sounds like something I need right now.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I finally got things moved into my house but I can hardly get into it with the boxes piled everywhere. I can't do anything with it until I get all the other houses ready to rent. Just a few more days! Yahoo! It will be nice to get settled for the winter. I figured out that I have moved 5 times in the last 3 years.

Anonymous said...

For paint colors try going to the paint store with the colors of the carpet and curtains then follow your muse. Or, once, I found a wallpaper border I liked, and used the colors in it. What are your favorite colors? Find something (poster, painting etc.) with your favorite colors in it and use a neutral from it. Or you could do like I do and just take in a piece of masking tape and get a perfect match. Good luck with the move, I have moved enough times to not want to do it again. It's a great time to lose all the old stuff you haven't used in years though.

Alf's boy said...

That's great that you are comming for Thanksgiving. I say a nice light yellow for the front room and your favorite color for the bedroom. I mean it's your room after all.