Sunday, May 17, 2009


It has been a boring few weeks. I took a week off the week before last. I spent most of the time sleeping. I think I got, at the most, three more boxes unpacked. It is the calm before the storm. The day after Memorial day we start EFY groups. I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED. not! At the end we are supposed to be in the central Support Center (the behind the scenes food and veggie and salad and sandwich prep people) I am glad that I will be there, because I would much rather be there than display cooking at the new Cannon center. I certainly do not want to do the MTC over the Christmas holidays again. I do not think I will take anymore Vacation days until then. By then I should have about 2 weeks vacation time. While I was on vacation, I picked out a headstone for DH and I. They sent me a draft and I promptly sent it back with the notation that they had my name spelled wrong. They had better spell it right. I told them and wrote out how it should spelled. If they screw it up it will be their fault. They had better not A unwelcome thought came to me today. Do you realize that just a few days after a month from now that it will be the "longest day of the year" and then we will be on the downhill side again!!! This is indeed a scary thought. I am well, but bored and somewhat lonely right now. I will be alright but I sure miss going out to dinner, and also have lost all intrest in making dinners from scratch, or at least from fresh meat and canned or frozen veggies. I have entertained the thought of learing how to make bread from scratch, Maybe I will give it a try sometime soon. I think I will need either a bosh mixer, grinder or a Kitchen Aid Mixer. My computer is about ready yo bite the dust. Any ideas about which ones to buy and how much memory to get. I do indexing for the Family History Center. I will need a lot more memory than I have on this one. I don't know how much memory I have, but it is not enough. My computer does not have enough memory either. Hope all is well with all of you.


Big Sis said...

I forgot to use my spell checker so there are a few typos in this. Opps

hillbilly sister said...

I am just starting to pull out of the 'grumps'. Having a wedding to plan for has changed all that thank goodness! I understand the lonely feeling it isn't because I am not surrounded by friends and family, it is because I miss talking to DH about anything under the sun.

Alf's boy said...

sarcasm... this family has a deep wide streak of it.

wyo sis said...

I love my laptop and high speed internet, but I'm using an Apple and you're probably a PC user. Get the most speed and memory you can afford.