Friday, May 28, 2010


I guess I will post something, albeit brief. I have a few words that I like. LOLLYGAG, BROUHAHA, LOQUACIOUS, BODACIOUS, IMPERVIOUS, YUMMY, CHOCOLATE, ICE CREAM, CAKE, FROSTING, BEEF, PORK, LACKADAISICAL, FUNNY.I have been busy at work, and not very happy with work, especially the boss(es) & the politics of the place. I went to Doctors a few weeks ago. Blood sugar, electrolytes, Thyroid all normal. Only thing, why am I in so much pain most of the time, and why am I so blue. Dr. is changing my meds for depression. It seem that the ones I have been taking are not working. I do not feel that they ever have. Trying Prozac now. Cannot tell if it is working yet. Job requires that we will start working at 5 in the morning starting June 1. The will probably be deciding factor in retirement decision. YES, YES YES. I can officially on Jan first 2011. Probably will.

i in si much p


Alf's boy said...

Something to look forward to. I will probably die before I hit retirement age. Rather criptic remark on the end of this post don't you think?

wyo sis said...

I figure I'll die in harness too. I'll work til I'm 70 if they'll let me!
Sorry you're so unhappy. I hope things work out with the Prozac. I've been on it for 20 years.

sistermarbles said...

Come on everybody! Life is wonderful! Enjoy! I have a suggestion. After work sleep your 8 hours and then stay up, that way you don't have to deal with trying to get up so early in the morning. You are a night owl anyway so why fight it? Just saying....