Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hi everyone. When I saw the date on my last post I was surprised! I didn't realize that it had been so long since I posted here. Oops! I titled this lettuce because that is what I do most days. We cut lettuce almost everyday at work. We cut into wedges and send it into the machine. The machine shreds it or cuts it and sends it on its way. At the end of the line another machine spins it dry, then another machine (me or some other human) bags it into bags and someone else seals it into the bag. This takes any where from an hour to 5 hours, depending on how much lettuce there is. I have been a lettuce fan and now I am really not one. ICK!I don't really mind my job too much except for the 6 a.m. starting time, the lifting of 50 or 60# boxes of food, the 41 degree room we work in or the constant water everywhere ( and the water is cold). That is what my days are like. Now I get to do it 6 days a week. Oh goody! Maybe now I can come in later, because I can still only work 40 hrs. If I had my way I would like to work only 20 hours. Antway that is what is happening in my world.


Big Sis said...

I mean that I have NEVER been a fan of lettuce.

Conservative Adolescent said...

I only really like the lettuce that is non-iceberg lettuce.

sistermarbles said...

Maybe you should invest in some galoshes! At least your feet would be warm!

Alf's boy said...

I have never been much into rabbit food either. I wonder if that is why Grandma Hall hated stewed tomatoes.

wyo sis said...

I like iceberg lettuce, but I might not if I had to wash and cut it all day at 41 degrees! Ick. I had a hard time eating cheese for awhile after working for Gossners. I guess if you work in the food industry you see things you'd rather not know!