Friday, January 26, 2007


Well, I guess I have to list 6 things about me that are weird. This will give me a chance to write about something other than work. Thanks Sagehen. I really can't play the game because as far as I know only three people read my blog and I am supposed to tag 6 people who read my blog and invite them to enter the game.

1. I am weird in the fact that I think it is the "normal" people are the weird ones.

2. I, like sagehen, spend most of my time in my mind and it truly is full of interesting thoughts and ideas. for example the Utah legislature is again proposing that the speed limit on I15 be raised; to 80mph on the "less inhabited" areas of the freeway. My thinking is it was only a few years ago that they raised it to 70mph because "most people drive that speed anyway". At that time it was 55 mph hour. Now, of course, everyone is driving 85mph. The next story on the news was about two accidents in Ogden Canyon that shut the road down this evening for a few hours. The announcer then said We will tell your the cause of the accident next. I said to DH they were caused by excessive speed of course. I was right. We are socked in with very heavy fog at night from the Idaho border to Southern Utah County because we have had an extremely strong high pressure that has blocked any storms for the last two weeks trapping all the gunk in the valleys. People are weird.

3. I can't decide on a favorite color. As a teen it was green, in college it changed to red I also lean strongly toward lavender and/or purple. I am now leaning toward green again and tan is creeping up. I guess my favorite color is regrevenderan.

4. I am also a strange combination of OCD and sloppy because I love to have my towels and washrags etc organized a particular way, and many other things I am particular about. So particular that if DH moves something, even from a seamingly disorganized pile I can tell immediately that it was moved. i ask him how come it was moved and if we had a visitor while I was at work etc. It must bug him a lot that I quiz him whenever He moves things.

5. I am left handed, but also use my right hand to do things. I can hand sew with a needle and thread using either my right hand or my left. I cut with a knife with either hand, if I use a paring knife, it is right handed, carve meat left handed. Use scissors, right handed. Write or eat left handed . Crochet left handed . Throw a ball, neither hand works. Use a ladle, left handed,But I always spill because the pour spout is on top. Scoop ice cream left handed, but awkwardly ( the pushbutton part is always in the ice cream). Mugs always have the writing on the wrong side. I embroidery right handed. All sewing machine attachments are for right handed people but I can manage to use most of them. Pancake turners left handed. Hand held can openers right handed. Potato peelers left handed. Weird

6. I am always beating up on myself because I never seem to accomplish anything "fun" or relaxing because I have to get all the work done first before i can allow myself do the fun stuff. since I almost never get the "Chores" done the fun things fall by the wayside. Even when I was a young girl I would make myself do the ironing or the dishes etc. before I could sew or embroider, thus I never got much "fun" stuff done. Even today I have to force myself to "have fun" and then feel guilty, because there was something else that should have been done first. Often I procrastinate for months and even years. beating up on myself all the way, but not changing the way I think or do things. WEIRD

7. I hate working with background music of any kind, I absoulutly hate noise of any kind, the louder the noise level the more stressed I get. I can actually feel the stress the louder it gets. QUIET PLEASE! Music is just another sound to add noise to the mix.

As you cansee I am one mixed up crazy woman.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you are so crazy, so either I am equally crazy oe you are more normal than you think. I'm glad I don't have a blog if this is the kind of thing I have to reveal about myself. Suffice it to say I am weird in many more than 7 ways and I think I'll keep them to myself. Maybe the thing we are supposed to discover is that we aren't so weird after all.

Anonymous said...

Is it weird that you listed 7 things when you were asked to list 6? In the imortal words of Bullwinkel "I'm a heavy tipper". Many of the things you listed I would list also I think the Hall-Sorenson combo causes the OCD-lazy slob paradox. I, like Wyo sis, would have to list perhaps the bottom 6 weard things about me in order not to totally ban myself from polite society.

Anonymous said...

I am the opposite as far as getting things done is concerned.
I blame Mom. She never let me go play until my room was clean, so when it was clean I felt compelled to leave the house.
Now my house is nicely messy and I'm as happy as a hog in my mud puddle.

Sage Hen