Saturday, March 24, 2007

Randomness of Thought

Well I guess I will start with Happy Birthday Dear Sis, as usual I am late with the Birthday greeting. I worked last Thurs -Mon so on Tues of this Week all I managed to do was sleep. I hope it was a happy one. You are so good about remembering mine and even sending little presents to me. I am not so good about that, but I still love you just the same. I have been having a little confusion about what day it is lately. I have such a crazy work schedule that I get confused. Recently Karen complained about headaches and such happening on Thurs or Sundays. Those days are usually the worst ones for me also. At work Thurs seem to be more confusing then most and on Thursdays I myself seem to be on my low energy point of my work week, except for when I have a seven day work week ending in Sun, then Sunday takes the prize! Well last week my work week STARTED on Thurs ( after having Wed. off to make up for working the Saturday before). So I didn't know if it was Mon or Th. On Sun it was both Thurs and Sun. and on Mon it was like a Mon and a Friday! I have had 3 days off this weekend in a row even, except for the 31/2 hours I worked last night between 6:00 and 9:30 to make the refreshments for the DT invitational dance last night. I really think they were odd refreshments for a big whoppty do semi-formal dance. I mean little smokies in BBQ sauce, Egg rolls, Hot chicken fingers and churros. What happened to cookies and punch? Talk about bad breath and stained dresses. Oh also hot fudge dipping sauce for strawberries and other yummies. Chocolate and BBQ. excellent finger food to go with fancy dresses! Of course the way kids dress nowadays maybe semi formal means new jeans instead of old raggy ones. This next 4 week schedule is even crazier than last months schedule. I have 5 days this next week to work, Sat off then I work in three day increments with a day off in between except for one work week of four days on and one week with 2 on and 2 off an then I don't remember how many on. Right now Raymond is in the process of folding the clothes. Note the in the process part, most of the time all of the clothes sit in the dry clothes baskets until we need to wear them or until we don't have any more baskets left to put the dirty ones in. Anyway he has been waylaid by the cat deciding she wants to nap in my underwear drawer, and the dogs need to go potty and he needs to go potty etc, so it may be another week before the clothes get put away although maybe not because we don't have anymore empty baskets left. The other night I went into the bathroom, and after turning on the light I was quite taken aback because the sink looked strangely odd. it contained a sleeping curled up cat. I guess she was thirsty, because she only drinks from the facet when the water is running and no where else. I turned on the facet and she eventually got out and got a drink. She doesn't mind getting wet at all which is also an odd thing. We all got a good laugh on Thurs of this week. Our manager came out with a pan of cream cheese and cranberry sandwich filling that had been partially used to make sandwiches for all of the BYU vending machines and for sale in various eating establishments around campus. A man named ALAn has a crew that makes the sandwiches in the mornings. She had the chef take a taste and he took a big spoonful and very quickly spit it out. The recipe is cream cheese, sugar and craisins. It had SALT instead of sugar in it. no wonder the people getting them had complained about them. That is why the person making the product should ALWAYS taste it before serving it. Well I guess I had better get going on some of the chores that i need to do or another day will be gone and I will be unhappy with myself fo not doing more than I did.


SageHen said...

Thanks for reminding me about Wyo' Sis's birthday. For some reason I always forget it. Maybe because it is in March, the most difficult month of the year (behind February)

the cream cheese stuff sounded tasty, until you mentioned the salt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I relly prefer to ignore my birthday, and this year I came very close to forgetting it altogether, so it's not surprising that you did. It was nice, Gordon and Ashlee gam=ve me some gifts, and Mom brought over a warm cherry pie and icecream. It was delicious. I have always liked cherry pie, and Marie Callander,(oops I mean Mom), makes a pretty good one, even the crust is good. I hope your crazy schedule has the effect of keeping your mind active, rather than just being confusing. They say the key to avoiding Alzheimers is keepiing your mind active, I guess BYU really wants you to stay alert.