Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I had the day off and I actually got around to mopping the kitchen floor. My housekeeper fired me because " OSHA does not allow us to clean dog urine because it contaminates the equipment, and we have to buy all new equipment". This is after more than two years of coming biweekly and cleaning said dog urine off of the floor. This is the dog that had kidney cancer and could not control her urine.I mopped it up several times a day. In other words it was no new situation. She said that after I resolved the problem she would be happy to clean our home again. I wonder if I wrote her a letter and said "The problem is fixed the dog is dead." If she would then be willing to come clean again. Anyway, I decided to clean said floor. First I sweep it, then proceed with the mopping. I have one of those Swiffer type mops. I think it is called Ready Mop with disposable mop pads. Well I soon discover that it doesn't have any real dirt removing power. I had one of those Swedish mops that was supposed to have removable and replaceable mop heads. Well I finally got the mop head off, but I couldn't get the replaceable one back on. Apparently some plastic doohickey broke off and rendered the mop useless. Now to plan B.
Go to grocery store and buy a good old fashioned mop with a replaceable rag top. One that can screw onto a wooden handle with a hole with screw treads in it that will allow a mop top to screw on or screw off of the handle. Also some good old pine sol and a bucket. This was around 5:30 P.M. I grabbed my purse and got into the car. Look out Maceys (the grocery) here I come. Two hours later I come back with a mop, an extra mop top, and $100 of groceries. I bring them in for Raymond to put away and he was flummoxed. He had no idea I had even left the house. He thought I had been in the kitchen the whole time mopping the floor. After the groceries were put away, the dog fed and us fed, about 10:00 P.M. I finished the floor. That just goes to show much I am noticed around here!


Anonymous said...

Well, you have had an eye opening experience! I bet they would have noticed if none of them got fed though. Your housekeeper is right on time for government work. It probably took 2 years to have the forms processed, I hope it isn't 2 more until she comes back now that the poor old thing is gone.

Pi-day Dave said...

Your housekeeper probably was talking to another housekeeper and said something about the dog, and the other told her to tell you about the OSHA regs.

Alf's boy said...

I call OSHA "O'SH!T" because that is what you say when they show up to inspect the place. I have been locked out of my house more than once while I was doing something in the garage.