Monday, December 10, 2007


Went shopping today, total amount spent. $225.00. Ouch!


Anonymous said...

Makes me glad my kids are not living at home anymore! It sure cost a lot to eat!

Alf's boy said...

We go through 10 gallons of milk a week not to mention the other "phud" that a fat middle-aged man, his thin but active wife, two teenagers, two manic boys and a baby goes through. So far the baby is only a parisite so it's and indirect cost there.

My husband calls me Noogie...? said...

I spend about that much a week but of course I feed 9 kids 2 meals and 2 snacks a day, 5 days a week plus my own.

Anonymous said...

Happily,I have no idea how much we spend on food, but I suspect it is about the same. Gordon shops and we eat our a lot.