Tuesday, December 02, 2008

House pics.

There might be some confusion about the house pictures. The pictures are from the internet real estate page where I got the lead on the house. I am not in it quite yet. My furniture is not nearly as pretty. I don't have a usable chair for the living room. I have been using an ancient rocking chair the DHs mother had when he was living with her, and it was ancient then. My couch is dark blue so it will look real lovely in the room with green carpet and a slightly different green wall. I am excited to get in it. I have the move approved by the hospital so now I can sceduale the move, as soon as I can get the schedular on the phone. So far we have been playing phone tag for two days now. I will send the address to you by e-mail. How do I fix mt blog so that "spamers" don't send things. I think I already have the security word on here, What else do I need to do?


Anonymous said...

You can set up the blog to only allow replies you approve to be published. There should be directions in the blog management pages. I know the feeling of moving old crappy furniture into a new house. I've done it a time or two. In time maybe you can replace the old stuff. Here's hoping. If the hospital is paying for the move can you leave behind whatever you don't want to move? That would be the best possible way to move! I hate the cleaning up the old place aet the worst.

Anonymous said...

The mystery word is "part" thanks for playing.